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We invite you to explore a world of professionalism and advanced technologies at the service of White Art. Everything you want in milling, baking, pastry and confectionery is possible in the NOVA PAN universe.

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Cofetarul Istet - Utensils and accessories for bakery, pastry and confectionery

Cofetarul Istet - Utensils and accessories for bakery, pastry and confectionery

COFETARUL ISTEŢMagazin online de ustensile şi accesorii Fie că intenționați să vă dotați spațiul de producție cu cele mai performante dispozitive, aparate și ustensile de lucru, fie că doriţi să vă îmbogăţiţi gama de accesorii şi ustensile, fie că vă informaţi despre ultimele...

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Clipband - the first products brand Nova Pan

Clipband - the first products brand Nova Pan

Aesthetics packaging products is now a key factor in the purchasing decision. Therefore, we believe that products sealed with clipband have added value and a better presentation. Quality is the strongest argument of our company. Each batch of clipband is verified in terms of quality and random tested...

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Arta Alba - information solution for bakery, pastry, confectionery

Arta Alba - information solution for bakery, pastry, confectionery

Arta Alba -  Nova Pan publishes and distributes Arta Albă,  the only information newspaper for bakery,  pastry, confectionery, chocolate   • The first Romanian business-to-business newspaper dedicated to managers, employers and professionals of the bakery, pastry and confectionery...

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Spic de Inimi

Spic de Inimi

Spic de inimi is an independent, honest and totally transparent non-profit association, created out of the desire to help and with the priority goal of investing in education. Within the “Cultivate education” Project, the association provides financial support to students in disadvantaged...

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